I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream: Mind Games

The mind is an interesting subject to explore, after all we have spent much of our existence trying to figure out its functionings. Humans have done various experiments exploring its processes, and how it can be altered. Science-fiction stories provide a way for us to explore concepts about the mind without actually performing them on people, providing us with a variety of outcomes. One notable story that does this is the amazingly titled “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream”. In the story, the last five humans in existence are tortured by the supercomputer AM, who regularly messes with their minds as a sick form of entertainment and punishment. Each character, even AM arguably, is suffering from some experimentation done to them psychologically, or physically in some cases. Each of the five main character’s take some notable aspect of their person and completely alters it, leaving them shadows of their former selves. While many could see this as a story discussing the dangers of arti...